Meta Livly

Virtual pets and avatar coordinating game

Meta Livly is a game where you can customize your avatar and island, and take care of pets in a virtual space. Hom, Island, and Livly can be decorated with various items, all of which are Utility NFTs. Players can freely mint and trade NFTs, and this tradability will add economic value to the NFTs as digital assets.

In this virtual world, you can take care of your digital pet Livly through an avatar called Hom, who will be the extension of yourself. Have fun collecting various fashion and island items as well as Starry Dust to earn digital assets!

Official launch on August 24th, 2022!

About Meta Livly

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Everything in 「Livly Island」 is digitized and presented in the new virtual world!

Livly is a mysterious alchemical creature that eats bugs, poops out jewels and appears on Livly Island. The Digital Development Office (aka D.D.O.) is researching and digitzing the mysterious creature Livly, homunculus avatar Hom, and small island researched by the Livly Reboot Laboratory (aka L.R.L.) in Tokyo. Participate in a fun data simulation in the virtual space provided by the D.D.O. by taking care of your digital pet Livly based on your preference and coordinating your avatar Hom and Island to your liking!

  • 🐕 Look After Your Digital Pets, Livlies. Your Livly’s color changes based on the bug it eats. Feed your digital pet Livly and change the color to your liking as part of the simulation. The best part is that Livlies poop jewels which you can use to buy things at the shop!

  • 👗 Dress Up Your Hom. Choose a stylish outfit for your avatar Hom! You’ll probably want to customize your Hom to go with your Livly’s appearance or match the style of your Island’s decorations.

  • 🏝️ Decorate Your Island. Think of the Island your Hom and Livlies live in as a blank canvas. Fill it up with items of your choice and decorate it in whatever style you please!

  • 🍎 Harvest Life-Changing Fruits. Watering the Islands' trees with magical elixir will produce fruits that are used to make a transformation compound called Neobelmin. Use this potion on your Livlies to see how they transform!

  • 📋 Help Out the D.D.O. (Digital Development Office). You can work part-time at the Office and earn rewards to buy items. Play various activities within the virtual world and enjoy a rewarding experience!

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